By Myrna Trauntvein
TN Correspondent
This January marks the beginning of another two-year, or biennial, budget process for Nephi City. “I thought it may be helpful to go over the projected dates and events associated with the budget process,” said Seth Atkinson, city administrator. This month of January 2025, the different city departments will present their budget requests to the city council at one of the two work sessions scheduled in January. “The council will also want to think of items that they would like included in the budget,” said Atkinson. “In February, the city council will hold a priority-setting session,” said Atkinson. “The council will review all of the budget requests that have been made and prioritize the outcomes that they would like to see.” He said that, later in the month, the staff will start to estimate revenues and payroll figures for the next two years. “These figures will be given to each of the departments in their budget worksheets,” Atkinson said. “In March, city department heads will examine the council priorities and work them into their department expense budgets given the constraints of the revenue projections, payroll costs, and any surplus funds that may carry over from the current fiscal year.” After all the revenues and expenses have been entered into the department worksheets, the city administrator will review the numbers, ensure that funds balance (budgeted revenues equal budgeted expenses), and enter the data into a master sheet that will feed the webpages on the city website that display the city’s next two year budget. This tentative budget will be presented to the city council at the first regular meeting in May. The council and public will have approximately a month to review the city’s budget and then state law requires that a final budget be adopted before June 30. “The current budget document would be good to review because the new budget will be set up very similarly,” he said. The link is: An update on the current 2022-2024 budget priorities is also available and he had prepared a spreadsheet to share that information with the council. “The new police station (as funding becomes available) remains a high priority,” Atkinson said. “The project is ongoing with the project design in process now.” Parks lawnmower purchase was completed. As for shared equipment, the new skid steer and forklift were completed. Chamber of Commerce funding for conferences for the Chamber was funded for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025 New sports equipment for recreation (to comply with current safety standards) for baseball was purchased. Bridge improvement funding was a priority with the council two years ago, he said. Additional funds were allocated for bridge improvements and 800 East is slated to be improved this fiscal year. The animal shelter roof has been replaced. The IT company has instituted a replacement program for servers and computers. “Funds have been reserved for demolition of Old Gym and Armory,” said Atkinson. “Additional funds for demolition were allocated to the Government Buildings line in the Capital Projects Fund.” The ICMA Conference was attended by the city administrator in Fiscal Year 2024. Also a training conference for the city planner was attended by the city planner. The water truck for streets department has not been completed because they have decided to wait on this purchase. The cemetery software still needs to be upgraded but Lisa Brough, city recorder/finance director, said that she had enjoyed the outdated program and has been reluctant to replace it. “I will be doing that,” she said. The item to reserve funds for replacing plaster at pool is being done. Funds were allocated in the swimming pool line item in the Capital Projects Fund for this purpose. Padding for slide at the pool was completed. New siding for buildings at the pool and at Nebo View ball fields has been installed. “The new Sergeant position in the Nephi City Police Department has been completed,” said Atkinson. “A Records and Evidence Technician for police department has been completed.” Lexipol policy software was not funded An aerator for golf course is waiting for the maintenance shop project to be completed before allocating additional Capital Projects funds to this purchase. Now the new golf maintenance shop building has been completed and is waiting for millings to asphalt the parking area. The bunker machine for the golf course was also waiting for the maintenance shop to be completed before allocating additional Capital Projects Funds to the purchase. A greens mower for the golf course has also been waiting for the maintenance shop to be completed before allocating additional Capital Projects Funds to this purchase. “The ATV/UTV with dump bed for the Cemetery and Parks Department has been purchased and has been a great help to the departments,” he said. Matching funds for the Jamestown Park pump track have been allocated for grant matching. A grant is being applied for this fiscal year. “The freeway exit improvements were completed,” he said Implementation of a stormwater utility fee was in process. Water tank acquisition was still to be completed, said Atkinson. The land needs to be identified. With development slowing, this item has not been as imperative. Worwood Well re-drill well is completed, but the well house still needs to be constructed. Nebo Heights re-lining is to be completed and the city is gathering cost estimates Land Acquisition for the Primary Cell is also still to be completed because the land still needs to be identified. “Installation of 138 kV Power Line and Substations is in process,” said Atkinson. “The Nortonville sub and metering yard is almost complete and improvements to sub three are complete. Transmission lines will be constructed soon.” The Payson Gate Station upgrade is to be completed and is waiting on potential developments before improving. A new steel line from Main Gate Station to South Gate Station is also waiting to be completed.