96 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 84648 - Voice: 435 623-0525 - FAX: 435 623-4735
News for
February 12. 2025


By Myrna Trauntvein
TN Correspondent

Shay Morrison, R6 Community Advisor, presented his year-end report to the Juab County Commission on Monday.

“Community advisors work closely with the region’s communities,” said Morrison.

He said that he, as one of those advisors, worked with communities in Juab and Sanpete counties.

He formally visited Eureka, Mona, Levan and Rocky Ridge once each month by attending their council meetings.

He said that he provided less help to Nephi City because they had Seth Atkinson, a full-time city administrator.

“I provide support with ordinances, planning, budgeting, grant writing and with other projects they need help with,” said Morrison. “I am currently training the cities I work with on the Open and Public Meetings Act (OPMA) which requires that all communities receive annual training.”

John Crippen, county administrator, suggested that the county commission OMPA training be coupled with the Fire Board training. He said that body meets the third Thursday of every month and commissioners attend.

In addition, training could be set up at the jail, said Morrison.

Morrison said he also worked with the various community councils to improve operations, secure funding for needed projects and encourage controlled growth in those communities.

“There are many grant opportunities,” said Morrison.

He thanked commissioners for coming to the bond session held by R6 to educate members on bonding. Mini sessions are now being held in addition to the larger sessions held bi-annually.

“We will hold another session on February 27 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. with land use as the focus,” said Morrison.

He said that there were recreation grants, one with $2 million, for assistance in the development of parks and recreation projects. The communities and the county can request a grant that would be for $200,000 each.

“This is a good opportunity,” he said.

Was there a match required, asked Clinton Painter, commissioner.

“There is a 20 percent match,” said Morrison. “I would be happy to assist with filling out the applications.”

Marvin Kenison, commission chairman, said that Levan was interested.

Marty Palmer, commissioner, asked if the communities in the West Desert would qualify.

Morrison said that another opportunity would be for the Safe Route to School grant.

Mitigation funding for the pond in Salt Creek was available but mitigation funding could not be used for clean-up. They would need to word wizard the application, Morrison said.

Morrison said that he was currently working with communities in Juab County on projects.

“In Eureka, I am working with them on a subdivision ordinance and on obtaining a transportation grant,” said Morrison. “I am working with Levan on conflict of interest reporting.”

Mona had requested help with software and he was helping Rocky Ridge obtain funding for the railroad crossing.

“I appreciate working with Shay,” said Painter. “He replies to any contact I make with him immediately.”