96 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 84648 - Voice: 435 623-0525 - FAX: 435 623-4735 News for December 25, 2024 |
Nephi City work session minutes for December 10, 2024 at 7 p.m. in Nephi City Council Chambers at 21 E. 100 N., Nephi. The council and the street department employees discussed the possibility of reinstitution a city-wide clean-up. Different ideas were suggested about how to best carryout a clean-up that would not be abused by residents, how to fund a clean-up and what workforce and equipment would be needed. Solid Waste Collector Cody Hudson had the idea of having roll off dumpsters placed throughout the city for people to use for the clean-up. Utility Tech Ryan Greenhalgh asked why the city would clean up someone else’s yard on the taxpayer’s dime. Street Superintendent Ed Park stated that law enforcement would be needed to keep an eye on the dumpsters so that they do not get overfilled and abused. Public Works Director Kyle Marchant suggested that the JRDA could allow for a free dump day so that once a year people could take junk out to the landfill and not be charged. Councilor Jeramie Callaway, who sits on the JRDA board, said that the board had discussed that idea before. He said he will bring up the subject again at the next JRDA board meeting. Councilor Shari Cowan suggested spreading out the clean-up over several weeks for different areas of the city. Councilor JD Parady suggested encouraging neighbors and service organizations to help people that needed help cleaning up their yards and getting junk to the landfill. The council decided to do more research and to talk to other cities on how they conduct a city-wide clean-up. Seth Atkinson, city administrator, updated the council about the AWOS replacement project. DBT will be servicing the AWOS system for the next three years and a new agreement will be needed. Atkinson said that DBT have been particularly good to work with. The council directed staff to bring the contract with DBT to a regular meeting for official approval. Atkinson reviewed an agreement with Chad Ledy, the new owner of Rollin’ Home RV Park. As part of the purchase of the RV park, the property was subdivided. With the subdivision came requirements for road improvements along the frontage of the RV Park lot. The improvements, along Four-Mile Road, are not ready to be implemented at this time due to uncertainty over whether to improve the condition of the road and where the gutter system would be installed along the east side of the road. Due to this uncertainty, the city allowed Mr. Ledy to provide a cash payment for these improvements. With the payment, Mr. Ledy has requested to have some assurances that his frontage obligations are met with his cash payment. Mr. Ledy had proposed entering into a memorandum of understanding that would achieve these assurances to him. The council directed staff to bring back the MOU for official approval. City Administrator and City Council Updates: Mr. Atkinson reviewed the financial statements with the council and said that the first payment of property taxes will be coming soon. Councilor Skip Worwood said he noticed that sales tax figures were not as high as last year’s revenue. Mr. Atkinson stated that last year was a banner year for sales tax revenue and that possibly the numbers are lower due to 7-11 being closed for remodeling. Councilor Travis Worwood complimented the staff on the Christmas lights throughout the city. He stated that when he worked for the city, he ran an analysis of how much it cost to have the lighting displays in the parks and throughout the city. He said numerous employees have come to him and said that putting up the Christmas lights takes a lot of their valuable time. Councilor Parady asked if we had ever looked at contracting the lighting out. Mr. Atkinson said that they had not. Councilor T. Worwood said that maybe we could find a balance of contracting the work and having our crews do some of the work. Mayor Seely reported on a meeting he attended today about partnering with education facilities for bringing in events into the city. He toured the Sevier Valley Event Center and found out that Sevier County’s travel council helps with funding to bring events to the center. Mr. Atkinson suggested bringing that idea up at the next county and city work meeting. Councilor Skip Worwood reported that he had been down to Arizona for a side-by-side trail ride. He said that it is a great fund-raising event. He thought if the city could get the trail system going the city or county could host an event to fund raise for the senior citizen food program. He also mentioned that over in Moroni there are four small homes that we should look into to help with the affordable housing problem. Councilor JD Parady said that an individual had contacted him about renting a hangar at the airport for an airplane mechanic and upholstery business. Mr. Atkinson said that he had also spoken with this individual and he had directed him to talk to the FBO at the airport to see if he would be willing to lease one of his hangars. Mr. Atkinson said there are not any more hangars available and he has a waiting list of about 20 individuals who want to lease hangars. Councilor Parady also asked about where staff was at with indexing and evaluating the streets in the city. Public Director Kyle Marchant said that they are working on that project. Councilor Jeramie Callaway reported on the Christmas event at the fairgrounds on the 13th and 14th. He said that Miss Nephi Royalty would be decorating a trailer on Friday afternoon. He invited the other councilors to attend and support the event. Councilor Skip Worwood moved to convene into a closed session to discuss the character and competence of an individual. Councilor Travis Worwood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The work session meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Attendance: City Council: Mayor Justin D. Seely, Skip Worwood, Travis L. Worwood, Shari Cowan, Jeramie Callaway, JD Parady Staff: City Administrator Seth Atkinson, City Attorney Kasey Wright, Streets Superintendent Ed Park, Streets Utility Tech III Ryan Greenhalgh, Solid Waste Collector Cody Hudson, Streets Equipment Operator Bobby Brough, Public Works Director Kyle Marchant Excused: Finance Director/Recorder Lisa E. Brough Guests: Donald Ball, Cory Thomson