96 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 84648 - Voice: 435 623-0525 - FAX: 435 623-4735 News for January 1, 2025 |
HISTORICAL GAME • Nephi was the site of the first baseball game played in Utah on January 1, 1875. A new sign at the city park commemorates that game. The first baseball game played in Utah was undertaken 150 years ago on January 1, 1875, in Nephi. According to an account written by Charles Haynes and recorded in the book, “History of Juab County,” this was the first baseball game in Utah, and it is reported to be the first one played this side of the Missouri River. Nephi City officials have allowed a sign commemorating this significant event and information relating to the game at the Nephi City Pioneer Park on Nephi’s Main Street. Governor Spencer Cox has signed an official declaration showing the date and location of the first recorded baseball game played in Utah. From that first game in 1875, Nephi has had a history of ball teams extending to the present day. More information about this historic game can be found at the website nephibaseball.wixsite.com/website or the October 23, 2024 issue of The Times-News.